If you have forgotten to add a family portrait to your wedding group list, don't worry. I can always find time to take that special photograph for you to treasury.
A wedding quote to warm up January
"Love recognises no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination"
Maya Angelou
Throughout January 2016, I'm offering a free engagement shoot when you reserve your wedding with me
The £250 gift from me will include one free stunning 8x10 print of your choice from the selected photographs. This will also make a great wedding photo signature board.
Don't miss out, only a few dates left in my 2016 calendar, to check availability.
Tel: 07584900938
Email: neil.graham0071@gmail.com
Website: www.neilgrahamphotography.com
#FunWeddings #NewYear #Offers #UK #London #Weddings #SouthernWeddings #Discount #DontMissOut #engagment #UK #2016 #Brides #England #WeddingPhotography #Portraits #Family #Valentine #Love #portrait #WeddingRings #Offer #Photography #photographs #JanuaryOffers #Portraits
Photo by Neil Graham